From Raven and Quasi 11/23/2010: “Storm King”

From Raven and Quasi 11/23/2010: “Loki”

From Raven and Quasi 11/23/2010: “Nikko”
Thank you so much for helping us pick out the right puppy. Nikko is definitely part of the family, and he is really enjoying his new pack. He is so fun to be around. By far exceeding our expectations with his training; brilliant dog. He is going to do great. He loves to play tug and has good ball drive. Very attentive, loves to ride and he goes everywhere with us (that he can go). Potty training is going pretty good. He still has a few accidents, but that’s more our fault than his. He likes “HIS” crate and will go to it for Nikko time to rest. He draws a lot of attention wherever we go, and does great around people and other dogs.
Took him to the vet today for his shots and checkup. He weighed 22Lbs. We visited and will be joining the Schutzhund club we talked about. I’m excited to see what kind of team we are going to be. Attached are a few pictures.
Thanks again,
John & Laura

Update 4-17-11:
Sherle, Nikko is doing great. He gets so many comments about how good he looks. Club members love him. I have turned down 3 offers to buy him. (Can’t have my dog).
He weighed 49lbs. at the Vet today, @ one week away from 5 months. Training is going great. He plays hard and knows when it’s time to go to work and loves it. Very attentive to what’s going on. Absolutely loves the water. He can’t walk by a running hose or any water without getting in it, and loves to ride. I am looking forward to seeing what kind of team we are going to be.
Thanks again for a great dog. I have attached some recent pictures.
John C

From Raven and Quasi 11/23/2010: “Raider”

From Raven and Quasi 11/23/2010: “Gryffon”