From Jeb and Cosie 3/08: Bonnie

Thanks Sherle! Bonnie is doing unbelievably well. I have never been around such a smart pup before. She is sitting on command, she is taking to her crate very well, her potty training is going well (I think she is starting to understand where to go…) and her socializing is going great. She heels very well but pulls, so we need to get a choker collar for her. Everyone comments on how purty she is! And she has such a sweet personality…sorry, but you can’t have her back!! Me and Lori both just love her to death now.

We have not found a vet here yet. Do you have any recommendations for a Johnson City vet?

From Jeb and Cosie 3/08: Amber

Hi Sherle,

Amber is doing wonderful! May and I took her in this past Saturday for her final set of vacinces and rabies, she weighed in at 34.9 pounds. Our vet here was very complimentary on her and you (he is an Auburn Grad too!). I am sending you a photo of her and her new friend, she has found a turtle that she likes to pester.

I know you know this, but she is that rare GSD that comes from the bloodline,
House GSD and Spoiled Rotten GSD (ha,ha). We wouldn’t have it any other way.

We also noticed of your up coming litters. We would still if all possible like to
have our male puppy from Raven, that is when she decides to come in heat. The later in the summer, the better for May and myself.

Just wanted to touch base, and tell you how much we just love our Amber she is
fantastic! We will talk with you later,

Bruce and May

Update: 6-25-09

Update: 8-25-10

Update: 12-20-10