“The dog, in life the firmest friend, the first to welcome, foremost to defend.”
-Lord Byron
Cody: May 26, 1990 – July 2005
Cody, do you remember? Do you remember the day when we met? When you left your home, your family and friends and I made you a promise? A promise that we would explore the world together. I was just starting off in the world, too you see, leaving my home and parents too. I was going off to college and needed a protector and a friend. You were that friend. The one I could ALWAYS count on. You didn’t care where we went as long as you could go. And we did go didn’t we? Always off doing something together. Remember sneaking into hotels because dogs weren’t allowed? Remember hiking BLM land in Colorado. Remember exploring the mountains and streams? Remember the coyotes, the porcupines, and the beaver? Remember sleeping out in 30 degree weather and me making you sleep under the covers because I was freezing! Remember chasing the horses? Remember T.J. the cat you always liked to carry around? Remember how ya’ll would always curl up together? Remember all the roommates I had in Auburn and all the dog friends that you played with? Remember the long nights studying? Remember when I brought home a second dog and you were so jealous until I told you it was a “girl” — Remember all the puppies! You sure did love her but I think you just “put up” with the puppies. Remember weekends at Mom and Dad’s? Remember all the tricks I made you learn? Remember me making you do ALL of your tricks just so I could “show you off”. You were SO smart. Remember me making you balance things on your nose? Remember getting things out the the refrigerator? And answering the phone? Remember how good you were and how hard you tried at anything I ask? You were always at my side sharing my triumphs and disappointments. You were always there for me and didn’t care how tough the road was. We were together a very long time and we were good together…… Remember how I said I would miss you but I wouldn’t cry when it was time to say GoodBye just so you wouldn’t be sad. I am sorry I let you down on that one ol’ friend. I did try….but I think you knew it was time to go and that everything would be okay. And time has healed some of the pain but You will be forever in my heart. Rest well my good and loyal friend. You have earned it.
I still remember the day we met and I said you were the one.
Your life touched mine and brought a smile to my face. But as the summer breeze leaves longing in its wake so did your passing leave me wishing for more of the same joy that you brought to my life.
I could have held on a little tighter, I know, but we both knew it was time for you to go.
I wanted to smile, cause I wanted you to remember me happily. I wanted to laugh so you wouldn’t hear me cry. You would always worry when I cried and would come to lick my face. You always said it would be okay and you were usually right.
So kiss me once for all the good-times we shared, ol’ boy, and kiss me twice for goodbye. You can’t help that you have gotten tired. You spent your life looking out for me and now it is my time to sacrifice for you. I will try to bow out gracefully, cause that is how I want you to remember me.
So even as it killed me I tried to smile so you could find the courage and laugh so you wouldn’t see me hurtin’. I gently kissed you as a tear escaped ……And I let you go….
‘Til we meet again, My friend.
In loving memory of Bear Tate
The Lord provides us with many gifts throughout our lives. Bear happens to have been one of our best gifts. He was our buddy and pal, so very loyal. The largest lap dog I’ve ever seen. He would play chase for as long as you wanted, always happy to go for the bone. His most favorite game was ‘chase the Bear with the bone’. He loved to talk to you and would sing on request, some of the most beautiful music a dog lover could hear. His constant love and presence was a blessing to our family. We, including his sister Tana, miss him very much.
He came to us a little bit by accident. I brought the girls to meet your litter of puppies and pick a female puppy for my husband, David, for his birthday. We chose a female because his previous GSD was a female. You agreed to keep her until his birthday.
I was talking to David a week or so before his birthday and I had asked him, “If you had another dog, would you want a boy or a girl?” His reply was, “a boy of course.” We called you back and asked if we could come visit you again. There was one little boy dog left so we said we would take him, but we decided couldn’t leave Tana either. On David’s birthday we drove home with 2 beautiful puppies in their hot pink and royal blue collars. Bear grew up to be a very handsome, loving boy. He was very protective of his little girls. He herded them around the back yard like his little sheep. Kelly wasn’t allowed to stray far from us. He would push or pull her back up the hill if he felt like she was too far from us. He loved our company! I can’t imagine what our lives would have been like without our special friend.
Thank you,
Ann, David, Holly and Kelly Tate
In Loving Memory of Tango Gant
Tango: March 1999-June 30, 2005
Loyal protector and friend. A more willing and courageous dog you will never meet. I know that he is still missed and always will be. He holds a special place in the heart of all of those who he touched.
In Loving Memory of Gretchen – Part of the beginning
Gretchen — Gretchen was the first bitch we acquired. She was 14 months when we purchased her. She impressed us with her style and grace. She has a self confident and easy manner. Her hips were x-rayed at 14 months and were beautiful. She was later OFA certified when she was old enough and received a rating of “good.” She has now become our foundation bitch. She averages about 85lbs with no excess fat. She is definitely the “Alpha” female. Her mothering instincts are excellent and typical litter size averages ~10-12 pups. She raised her last litter in the end of 2003.
In Loving Memory of Santa Rio
Santa Rio — Rio is one of our most attractive females. She is the daughter of our female “Gretchen,” and her sire is Taco. She is the full sister to Tango. (later breeding) The father was imported from Belgium with a Schutzhund III title at age two. He has three World Schutzhund champions in his first (three) generations, and has a proven record of consistently throwing good, solid working pups.
Rio, too, has inherited a working drive with a robust constitution. She has a beautiful head with well-set ears and a lively expression. She is excellent with children, has a solid temperament and gun sureness. She has been radiographed and will receive OFA certification in December 2003. She will be starting her protection training and service dog work in 2003.
In Loving Memory of Shawnee
Shawnee — Shawnee is a daughter of Gretchen. She is not one of our prettiest females but she is put together nicely and always has beautiful pups. In fact “Logan” is one of hers. She is a black and tan female with a nice head set and good body. She has a steady temperament and is enjoyable to be with.
In Loving Memory of Uny
Uny was Born 9/12/02. She is the first female EVER to earn the SDA P3 title. Uny was a loyal companion with a dependable on/off switch.
In Loving Memory of Dolores “Little D”
Dolores “Little D” was Born 11/27/09. She is part of the Czech line female with rich red pigment. Very sweet female and loves people. She Produced pups with extremely high drive.
In Loving Memory of Moira
Moira was a heavy boned dark sable female with great hips, nice balanced drives, and great with kids. She had solid nerves and very trustworthy.
In Loving Memory of Tigress
Tigress is a black and tan/red female with superb ball drive and EXCELLENT hips. She is out of a long line of working dogs with narcotic/police backgrounds. She does however, have a wonderful disposition and is completely trustworthy around people. She has a nice head and is able to stay very focused on any task you give her.
Her biggest claim to fame is her hips. Though orthopedically she is an all-around well put together girl, there are few (if any) in the German Shepherd world that will rival her in hip scores. She has been scored in the top 0% (less than 1% are better than her) by the University of Pennsylvania (PennHip). She has hip scores that rival those of the racing greyhound. High Praise, Indeed! We are proud to have added her to the family here at Sequoyah Shepherds.
Raven is by far, my most proven female. She consistently throws solid, healthy pups that are known for their ease of training and superior hip scores. Raven is a third generation Sequoyah female. Her grandmother was my foundation female. This foundation was first and foremost build on hips, health, and orthopedics. At 8 years of age, Raven is still capable of going over my 5 and 6 foot fences. She does not climb them — at 72 pounds, she jumps 5 feet in the air from a flat stand still. She has the grace of a cat and her landings are
Raven tends to throw large, blocky males, with solid square heads. Oddly enough, she herself has a more narrow head. She is a heavy boned and well muscled female and tends to add size to her males pups, while often, the females are only average sized out of her breedings. This fact has been very beneficial in that she has produced several Search and Rescue females (in which size, health, and ball drive are all key features). Her pups also tend to be excessively dedicated to their owners.
*Health, Health, Health!!
*Exceptional Hips Scores
*Balanced drives for Competition, Working, or Family Homes
*Solid, large boned pups
*Ease of training and a willingness to work!!
*Very strong loyalty to their owner.